imaginemag - arts & culture emagazine
ImagineMag! has been created and is run by people with a passion for arts and our culture in all forms. Passion on its own however is never enough to sustain any project. What one needs are knowledgeable, hardworking and imaginative people to further develop this wonderful concept. We have the start of that in the shape of Amy Gould, Director of Dance Crew, Principal of the AGBS and owner of the Theatre On-Main, Dr Dawn Gould, owner of FACTS FOUND, a historical research bureau and… all of you who will contribute in many interesting ways. Get talking people, and let us hear from you.

“Our intention is to give the art
and cultural fraternity a voice”.
feb / mar 2011 : edition 08
We face another year laden with possibilities for change whether they will be for good or not so good reasons only time will tell. But change is the name of the game and that game is life how ever you might choose to play it. Whether you follow the rules by the book or make your own up as you go along that is up to you.
We address the broad meaning of education in this edition. The benefits that the arts can and most definitely do bring to general learning areas in so many different ways and at the same time provide enjoyment. Most artists from all disciplines learn that you can only throw away the rules once you know what the rules are and which ones you can afford to throw away. Read what historian Dawn Gould has to say about education, Christine Weir and the singer’s training, pianist and teacher Lucy Norton on the benefits of a piano training, actor and playwright Ian Bruce of New Africa Theatre on drama and the social upliftment issues and dancer Amy Gould on ballet training.
Catch a performance wherever you are in SA of the exciting Mzanzi dance company and check out their Cuban connection. Agritourism is a great example of change beneficial to many, that exciting drama company, The Mechanicals who have their performance season planned until May, so that you can pick and choose what and when you can attend their performances - simply spoilt for choice. The Observatory Festival has been in the news over the years but is now heading for new directions – another example of change for good, read and see how you can participate and add value to the change for good. And finally the Khoi and their way of life.

Mzansi Productions dancers in Somebody to Love - A dance celebration to the music of Queen
© Susanne Holbaek
Email us and let us know what you think, what you would like to read about, tell us your creative news and what is happening in your part of the world. Promote and advertise with us – it’s the way of the future.
Amy Gould

Amy Gould is a Fellow of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. She is the principal and owner of her full time ballet school, director and choreographer of her dance company Dance Crew, owner/manager of Tokai On-Main a 100-seater intimate theatre and editor in chief of ImagineMag!
For more information on how you can contribute articles or advertise, please contact us.
contents | feb / mar 2011 : edition 08
00 / i SAY...
2011 has arrived and I have been swept along with it like a piece of flotsam. Well that is what it feels like. We all seem to make plans, and I think it is essential to do so, and then life comes along and rearranges the dance of life. So we had better be flexible and capable of moving with a new partner to new music if life should suddenly decide to so dictate. Read the full story...

01 / education through the arts:
Education is everything. We explore it from a variety of angles, specifically around the performing arts. Read the full stories...

02 / mzanzi dance company:
Catch a performance wherever you are in SA of the exciting Mzanzi dance company and a young South African ballet dancer, Shana Dewey, departs South Africa to study at the National Ballet School of Cuba. Read the full stories...
03 / agritourism:
In South Africa there is saying that when times are bad or there is problem to be solved then "n boer maak 'n plan" (a farmer makes a plan) Of course this is applied in the general as well as the specific sense. However, as the economic recession bites ever deeper, the ability for many people to earn money to feed and clothe self and family becomes less and less. In small towns populations dwindle as the younger generation move to the cities hoping for better work opportunities. Other men and women act in reverse and move from city suburbs to small towns hoping that the cost of living will be less and that their money will stretch further. Read the full story...

04 / new direction for observatory festival:
After a year of absence, the Observatory Festival was re-launched in December 2010 as the Observatory Festival of Arts. The Cape suburb Observatory is one of the most diverse residential communities of artists and free-thinkers in South Africa and has proudly hosted the festival for 14 years. Read the full story...

05 / the mechanicals - summer theatre season:
The Mechanicals Theatre Collective, in association with the Little Theatre, announces their 2011 "Summer Theatre Season". This vibrant theatre collective of professional actors, directors and designers come together from January to May 2011 to bring Cape Town audiences THREE exciting productions. Read the full story...

06 / the khoi khoi on the cape peninsula:
Education grants the individual the ability to examine aspects of the past. In this instance certain facts gained allows one to take a brief look at earlier citizens, who once lived and moved around the Cape Peninsula and other parts of the Western Cape Province – specifically the Khoi Khoi. Read the full story...
edition. 08 contributors
Dawn Gould (D Litt et Phil), owns and runs FACTS FOUND an historical research bureau situated in Cape Town, South Africa.
For further details see
Guest contributors are: Christine Weir, Ian Bruce, Lucy Norton, and Ann-Elize Petersen