imaginemag - arts & culture emagazine
ImagineMag! has been created and is run by people with a passion for arts and our culture in all forms. Passion on its own however is never enough to sustain any project. What one needs are knowledgeable, hardworking and imaginative people to further develop this wonderful concept. We have the start of that in the shape of Amy Gould, Director of Dance Crew, Principal of the AGBS and owner of the Theatre On-Main, Dr Dawn Gould, owner of FACTS FOUND, a historical research bureau and… all of you who will contribute in many interesting ways. Get talking people, and let us hear from you.

“Our intention is to give the art
and cultural fraternity a voice”.
apr / may 2011 : edition 09
Are we a caring society? This was a question posed to some of our writers. Read what John Wilson has to say about looking after our Table Mountain and whether it is better to Fynbos or to Pine Plantation in his article on Caring about the Environment. For those not living in the greater Cape Town area and wondering what on earth I am talking about, this is one big bag of beans of a debate amongst botanists and non-botanists re the cutting down of a plantation of pine trees that were originally grown for cultivation. But I am not entering this debate. I have enough on my hands debating funding issues!! Early Caring at the Cape and Caring for the Sick by Dr Dawn Gould raises many issues around what is caring
Much news on the dance front with news from Ikapa and Mzansi and their seasons of dance around the country, ballet bursaries on offer from Dance Crew and from the Arts and Culture Trust two Scholarships to the value of R 105,000 for those who can sing, dance and act.
The Jungle Theatre provides us with the Whale Story very well sited at the Kalk Bay Theatre which overlooks the sea where whales can often be seen - real ones that is.
Let’s celebrate a 6th birthday with FTH:K (short for from the hip: khulumakahle, is a Zulu term roughly meaning straight talking) which creates ground breaking non-verbal productions, but also aims to revolutionise the South African theatre industry through the development of Deaf and hearing performers.
And then we come to the big debacle – Funding – read what Amy Gould, Tamarin Morrell (Marketing and Publicity Co-ordinator of Jazzart Dance Theatre) and Ralph Freese have to say about Lotto and their funding track record and send us your comments, we are always interested.

Jungle Theatre Company's The Whale Show, Vincent Meyburgh and Unathi Speelman hug
Wanda the whale © Liam Beattie
Email us and let us know what you think, what you would like to read about, tell us your creative news and what is happening in your part of the world. Promote and advertise with us – it’s the way of the future.
Amy Gould

Amy Gould is a Fellow of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. She is the principal and owner of her full time ballet school, director and choreographer of her dance company Dance Crew, owner/manager of Tokai On-Main a 100-seater intimate theatre and editor in chief of ImagineMag!
For more information on how you can contribute articles or advertise, please contact us.
contents | apr / may 2011 : edition 09
00 / i SAY...
Recently recurring comments and themes that I have had in conversations with people from very different walks of life have made me stop and think and try to understand exactly what it is that I am hearing. Read the full story...

01 / are we a caring society:
CARING. – a simple word yet a complex one as well. On the one hand it is a word that creates a warm fuzzy feeling of doing good but on the other hand it hints at a sense of an individual’s egotism. In other words the motivation for caring may have one meaning for some individuals or societies and a quite different meaning for others.. Read the full stories...

02 / from the hip: khulumakahle:
FTH:K celebrates sixth birthday with a busy year ahead
FTH:K, which is short for from the hip: khulumakahle, is a Zulu term roughly meaning straight talking. Award-winning visual theatre and education company FTH:K marks its sixth birthday next month, with already much to celebrate and an action-packed year ahead. . Read the full stories...
03 / ikapa dance company:
US dance studio to adopt SA model. FUSE is a collaboration by South African and American choreographers, producers, and companies fusing different styles of dance. Read the full story...

04 / mzansi dance company:
To visit Cape Town and Durban, June 2011. Cape Town and Durban are set to welcome Johannesburg-based dance company Mzansi Productions in June. The Cape Town season marks a return visit for Mzansi Productions to the Mother City while the Durban season will be the company’s first time in KwaZulu Natal. Read the full story...

05 / jungle theatre company:
Muizenberg’s Jungle Theatre Company returns to the public stage during the April school holidays with The Whale Show at the Kalk Bay Theatre. The Whale Show is a story about two characters, the Wondering Whale Watchers, who are on a quest to become like whales. They swirl the audience into a fantastic high-energy adventure juggling to catch food, bubbling under-water music, receiving e-whales from a giant puppet called Wanda. They discover that the ocean is under threat and get everybody involved in taking care of the sea and saving our whales. Don't miss this amazing whale
tale for a family audience. Read the full story...
06 / ACT scholarships 2011:
The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is now open for registration for participation in the ACT | DALRO | Nedbank Performing Arts Scholarships 2011. Sponsored by the Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO) and Nedbank, the ACT Scholarships Programme is aimed at learners in their final year of secondary education who wish to pursue undergraduate studies in the performing arts. Individuals between 18 and 25 who are not considered to be professional and who are not registered for an undergraduate course during 2011 are also eligible for participation. Read the full story...

07 / dance crew bursaries:
DANCE CREW is offering 1 year bursaries for male and female candidates between the ages of 11 – 19 years. These bursaries will be subject to renewal should the dancers prove worthy of further training. Candidates must have a strong desire to dance, be prepared to work hard and be able to attend classes on a regular basis. Those applicants who are accepted will be assimilated into our current classes and programs. The bursary is for tuition and does not include a transport or clothing allowance. Read the full story...
08 / to fund or not to fund - that is the question:
Who funds: why, what, and how much? With reference to art funding only.
Before you get too excited this is not a who’s who of who to apply to and hopefully receive funding from. This article is my perception and experience of what is happening in the funding environment. Having lived on both sides of the fence so to speak, both from the allocation of funds and the receiving of funds, I find many inconsistencies and disturbing factors recurring. Anyone who feels more qualified and knowledgeable than me is welcome to comment in fact I would welcome it. Read the full story...
edition. 09 contributors
Dawn Gould (D Litt et Phil), owns and runs FACTS FOUND an historical research bureau situated in Cape Town, South Africa.
For further details see
Guest contributors are:
John Wilson was, until recently, actively involved in conservation and is a keen mountain walker.
Tamarin Gillwald Morrell Jazzart Dance Theatre, Marketing and Publicity Co-ordinator.
Ralph Freese serves on boards of both developmental non-governmental organizations (the arts, housing & financial) and businesses (technology, leisure & wine) The NGO arts Boards on which he serves include Jazzart Dance Theatre (Finance), Nobel Square Technical Committee, Spier Arts Trust (Chair) and The South African Academy of Performing Arts (Finance).