imaginemag - arts & culture emagazine
ImagineMag! After 21 editions we have grown in knowledge and respect for the different art forms that struggle and flourish in our country. Our fascination for everyone’s creativity is boundless but we know we have only touched the tip of the cultural iceberg.
Our drivers at helm are Amy Gould, Director of Dance Crew, Principal of the AGBS and owner of the Theatre On-Main and Dr Dawn Gould, owner of FACTS FOUND, an historical research bureau.
We have added an essential ingredient to our recipe – a Alex Mears who is available to discuss your requirements.
We welcome your comments and ideas. We are looking to implement new ideas in the forthcoming editions.
You have to download the free event listing file on our home page, fill it in and return to us. It will be uploaded as soon as it is received. Look right of the screen to see turquoise block click here.

“Our intention is to give the art
and cultural fraternity a voice”.

apr-may 2013 : edition 21
In I Say `arts and artists at certain times are more fashionable than others’
In reasons for Change `fashion or change is due to both eyes firmly focused on making money by introducing new ideas for survival and pleasure - with the benefit of modern technology.’
Congratulations to Tamsyn Reynolds and Big Fish School of Digital Filmmaking who won Best Cinematographer of a Documentary Short (Annalet Steenkamp) at the 2013 SAFTA awards.
Read about what the guitarist Derek Gripper is doing besides playing a double bill with legendary classical guitarist John Williams at Shakespear's Globe Theatre, London in 2014
At the Baxter Theatre Cape Town audiences and lovers of the arts can expect a rare treat when artistic masters William Kentridge, Peter Sellars and Wole Soyinka appear in A Unique Gathering: Rolex Mentors and Protégés, a weekend of artistic exchange from 5 to 7 April.
Also at the Baxter The Line, written and directed by Gina Shmukler, comes to Cape Town and stars Khutjo Green and Gabi Harris, with design by Niall Griffin and music by Charl-Johan Lingerfelder.
The Absa KKNK has an exquisite classical music line-up for this year with Sunny Spanish Sensations plus plus plus. Opera for Everyone is back at the Joburg Promusica Theatre with tenor Stéfan Louw, the Pro Cantare Choir and pianist Eugene Joubert
The South African Burlesque Company was launched in Johannesburg in March and if burlesque is what you crave read about Mademoiselle Demi Monde a Cape Town based "Burlesque Artiste" is there to intrigue.
Wonderfully useful news - The Cape Film Commission is registered with the City of Cape Town as an organisation which is able to officially enable the application of film permits within the City of Cape Town.
And it is Art, Art, Art all the way………..BRIDGES is a traveling exhibition of black and white photographs by ANDREW TSHABANGU and RENÉ-PAUL SAVIGNAN concluding 15 April 2013. The focal point of the work is spiritual and religious practice. Ayanda Mabulu - Imvo Zabantsundu / The Native Opinion until 20 April 2013 at Commune.1, 64 Wale Str Cape Town, a solo show of this poet and artist’s large-scale paper works and paintings. Best known for his provocative imagery, perhaps most notably his painting spotlighting Zuma’s private parts!!!! And at the Cape Gallery Francois Roux painter of landscapes, portraits and plant studies who has devoted his artistic career to developing his methods of observation through the use of oils, tempera, watercolour, chalk and charcoal. Group exhibition at Tina Skukan Gallery 5 May 2013 – 30 May 2013 Curated by artist and lecturer, Johan Conradie.
Choreographer Amy Gould on Dance Crew’s latest work, Precious Gems `Ideas present themselves when I am least expecting them. Random thoughts seem to connect to other random thoughts and voila –an idea is born.’ Gordon Mackay on composing the music for above `My passion is writing music. Amy’s interpretation of my music through her choreography is an inspiration that few will ever experience.’ The history of land is an interesting one how an area developed, who the early owners were in this instance the site where Precious Gems was created. A geologist was asked in 1866 to either confirm or deny that diamonds could be found in certain areas of the country…………….
A follow up article written by one of the delegates of the Midwifery and Birth Conference, Joy King and a history of the Mowbray Maternity Hospital.
Are persons with disabilities able to work? And whilst you are reading it please support the WCAPD CHARITY GOLF DAY 24 May 2010, Atlantic Beach Golf Club. Tee off time: 11:30 am. Local company makes big impact as part of International Wheelchair Day with their fund raising efforts. Why not take a leaf out of Adapt To Change’s book and set up your own fund raising effort and help make someone, somewhere feel better because you care.
Don’t miss our Interesting historical dates from the past for April and May

Edition 22 JUN/JUL 2013 (14 May)
Edition 23 AUG/SEP 2013 (15 Jul)
Email us and let us know what you think, what you would like to read about, tell us your creative news and what is happening in your part of the world. Promote and advertise with us – it’s the way of the future.
Amy Gould

Amy Gould is a Fellow of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. She is the principal and owner of her full time ballet school, director and choreographer of her dance company Dance Crew, owner/manager of Tokai On-Main a 100-seater intimate theatre and editor in chief of ImagineMag!
For more information on how you can contribute articles or advertise, please contact us.
edition. 21 contributors
Dawn Gould (D Litt et Phil), owns and runs FACTS FOUND an historical research bureau situated in Cape Town, South Africa.
For further details see
Guest contributors are:
Erica du Toit - Marketing, Promotion & Awareness Western Cape Association for the Physically Disabled
edition. 22 june / july deadline
Issue 22 deadline for articles or advertising: 14 May 2013