imaginemag - arts & culture emagazine
ImagineMag! has been created and is run by people with a passion for arts and our culture in all forms. Passion on its own however is never enough to sustain any project. What one needs are knowledgeable, hardworking and imaginative people to further develop this wonderful concept. We have the start of that in the shape of Amy Gould, Director of Dance Crew, Principal of the AGBS and owner of the Theatre On-Main, Dr Dawn Gould, owner of FACTS FOUND, a historical research bureau and… all of you who will contribute in many interesting ways. Get talking people, and let us hear from you.

“Our intention is to give the art
and cultural fraternity a voice”.
nov / dec 2010 : edition 07
We at ImagineMag! are celebrating our first birthday as we look forward to many more. On a birthday, time is often something one contemplates - the passing of it and what lies ahead. Look at our Cultural Tours and read about what motivated cultural travellers from years gone by
A birthday is good to celebrate with family and friends and isn’t this a wonderful time to review and celebrate our cultural diversity in our own families as well as in our country. For me it is exciting and stimulating if not a little exotic to meet people with different backgrounds but when you really start to interact is when you realize and acknowledge your similarities rather than your differences. The Chinese Contribution from the past makes for interesting reading especially considering the current economic and social interaction between South Africa and modern day China.
In this edition we have community input in a big way and the many and different ways they are and can influence and supply information. From MaAfrika Tikkun Dance and Drama Group – “Iqala Ngam - It starts with you”, Cape Town TV (CTV), Radio CCFM (Cape Community FM), Amani Arts Festival and an article on Press Freedom from the past. Isn’t this also a hot topic in our current press? See the trend? Everything changes and yet nothing changes. We hope you find much food for thought in this edition.
On the performing front we have IKAPA DANCE THEATRE with a brand new season
9 November: Cilna Marais Showcase @ On Broadway, 44 Long Street, 8pm
15 & 21 November: Triple Face, Showcase of Mbulelo, Zandile and Cilna @ On Broadway, 44 Long Street, 8pm
16 & 17 December: FUSE, a new iKapa Dance Creation in collaboration with Steps Ensemble from New York @ Oude Libertas
JOE RECROSIO PRODUCTIONS: DON’T FORGET TO REMEMBER – THE MUSIC OF THE BEE GEES at the Three Arts in Plumstead Starting 25 November – 19 December with a week off starting again 29 – 31 Dec plus Sunday matinees.
DANCE CREW & THE GIRL WITH ENAMEL EYES starting 19 Nov to 4 Dec @Theatre On-MAIN TOKAI

Enjoy the holiday season wherever you are and whatever you are doing and be culturally brave. Try something you have never seen before, attend a performance of something outside of your own experience. You never know you might find a new interest, a new way of living. And let us know about it.
Amy Gould

Amy Gould is a Fellow of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. She is the principal and owner of her full time ballet school, director and choreographer of her dance company Dance Crew, owner/manager of Tokai On-Main a 100-seater intimate theatre and editor in chief of ImagineMag!
For more information on how you can contribute articles or advertise, please contact us.
contents | nov / dec 2010 : edition 07
00 / i SAY... u SAY...
Here in Cape Town we left Winter behind, skipped Spring and seemed to leap full tilt into Summer. But just as we were getting into the swing of Summer we were hurled back into mid-Winter and our woolly warmers. Read the full story...
01 / time and us:
Time is something we all think about differently. How we use it or lose it, abuse it and sometimes simply ignore it. The following are three view points for your consideration - Editor. Read the full stories...
02 / cultural tourism:
Although advanced technology has made the movement of people easier and faster, travel in itself is not new as human beings have for centuries journeyed away from their homelands, long before technology made travel easier and faster. Their reasons for doing so included, satisfying their curiosity, acquiring knowledge, emigration, for monetary gain or for seeking health improvement. Today tourism has become such a big business that the general public can choose just what it is they what to see or do even having a tour tailored to a very specific subject. Read the full story...
03 / the chinese contribution:
As the giant that is modern China awakes and stretches its production tentacles into the wide world, South African citizens are finding more and more products for sale labeled “made in China”. Many Chinese citizens are living in South Africa and more parents now seek English language tutoring for their children. On the surface these newcomers would seem to be the first Chinese arrivals here. But that is not so. As early as the middle of the seventeenth century people from China arrived at the tiny Cape refreshment station. Read the full story...

04 / culture in our communities:
The word Community is a word much bandied around by everyone. But what does that word mean to you and me? Everything is dependant upon your own experience. I personally do not feel part of the community I live in. I work long hours and see very little of my neighbours. In fact I see more of my neighbours at my work place than I do at my home. In my work situation I personally see and feel a great sense of a dance community as dancers, families and friends choose to spend time working and socializing together.
In these articles we present organisations that are working for the good of their communities where they live, MaAfrica, through the medium of dance; Radio CCFM through religion and a broader community concept than a single residential neighbourhood and CTV who uses the medium of television to keep people informed as to what different people are doing in different `communities’.
Included is an article on Press Freedom from the past and as relevant today as it always will be. The collective press in whatever form it takes has a vital role to play in informing people as to what is happening in different neighbourhoods. Whether they are residential, religious, artistic or any group of people who come together for a common purpose and could be described as a community their voices should be heard so that we do not live in isolation from each other and isolate ourselves from each others needs, concerns and aspirations in life. Read the full stories...
edition. 07 contributors
Dawn Gould (D Litt et Phil), owns and runs FACTS FOUND an historical research bureau situated in Cape Town, South Africa.
For further details see