Title: Frank Spears The Painter
Author : Melissa Sutherland
Publisher: M J Spears and RM Spears
ISBN : 7-3
Reviewer: Dr Dawn Gould
This beautifully produced work is enhanced by all who were involved in the publication: the quality of the writing by the author Melisa Sutherland; the well researched introduction by Hayden Proud; the gentle loving foreword by the artist’s son Johnny Spears and the excellent photographic reproductions of the paintings.
As one begins reading the chapters that record the life history of Frank Spears, one is almost immediately struck by his constant activity. Spears was born in Britain in 1906, trained as a draughtsman and by 1928 “looking for adventure” arrived in Cape Town by sea. As one continues to read the sheer energy of this man becomes more and more apparent. He became a successful businessman, married had children, enjoyed singing , was a broadcaster with The African Broadcasting Company – later to be known as the South African Broadcasting Company (SABC), a yacht builder but always there was his painting and exhibitions.
At the age of 64 Frank and his wife Dorothea Spears went to live in Britain, where he continued to paint and exhibit his work. Both died, a few weeks apart, in March 1991
For many people who, for various reasons, will never own or see one of his original paintings, this work of art is invaluable in that each individual now has the possibility of being able to learn about the times of Frank Spears.