Sean Bovim’s Romeo’s Kiss for Playhouse Company’s New Stages season 12 to 15 May

Romeo & Juliet with Juliet smiling


Choreographed by choreographer, Sean Bovim, and featuring the dancers from both the Playhouse Dance Residency and Bovim Ballet,  Romeo’sTybalt Kiss is based on Shakespeare’s age-old story of star-crossed lovers and family feuds in a fast-paced, fresh and innovative dance work.

Audiences can expect an unusual and very exciting fusion of classical ballet and contemporary dance for which Bovim is well known, as well as a  mixture of neo-classical music and cover versions of well-known Beatles’ hits from Gwen Stefani, Wet Wet Wet, Phil Collins, and many more.

Says Bovim; “This is MTV culture meets So You Think You Can Dance, with beautifully designed love duets and rocking group divertissements.”

Romeo’s Kiss is set in the modern era, with Romeo as a banker and innocent Juliet from ‘new money’. The dancers will be haute couture costumed by Craig Port (male dancers), Malcolm Klûk & CGDT (female dancers).


The schools performances have already sold out, but bookings for the public performances on 12 and 14 May at 19h30, and on 15 May at 14h30, can be made at Computicket. Tickets are R120 each. Block bookings for 50 or more tickets can be made by calling Dawn on . Pensioners and students receive a 10% discount. Discounted parking is available at the Royal Parkade or at the Albany Parkade. The Playhouse coffee shop and bar will be open for drinks and light meals.